![]() |
Utah Churches |
Anglican |
St. John's Park City |
Apostolic |
Asamblea Apostolica Clearfield |
Apostolic Assembly of Faith Ogden |
Apostolic Assembly of Faith SLC |
Apostolic United Bretheren Riverton |
First Apostolic WVC |
God's Apostolic Roy |
New Beginnings Clearfield |
United Apostolic Church Provo |
Assembly of God |
Coram Deo Saratoga Springs |
Elevation Layton |
First Assembly of God Moab |
First Assembly of God Tooele |
Life Church WVC |
Mtn. View Christian Assembly Sandy |
New Hope Ogden |
New Life Fellowship Logan |
Richfield Assembly of God Richfield |
Rock Cyn. Assembly of God Provo |
Salt Lake Christian Center SLC |
Victory Assembly of God Brigham City |
Westview Christian Cnt. Cedar City |
World Vission Assembly Of God Vernal |
Zion Ogden |
Baptist |
Alta Canyon Sandy |
Berean Baptist Sandy |
Bethany Korean Layton |
Bountiful Heights Church Bountiful |
Canyon Church Cottonwood Heights |
Castle County Baptist Church Price |
Chinese Baptist Cottonwood Heights |
Chinese Mission Logan |
Christian Fellowship Tooele |
Central Baptist Fillmore |
Clearfield Community Clearfield |
Cliffview Baptist Kanab |
Cornerstone Baptist Tooele |
Emmanuel Baptist Clearfield |
Emmanuel Baptist Hyrum |
Faith Baptist Layton |
Faith Baptist Spanish Fork |
First Baptist Beaver |
First Baptist Bountiful |
First Baptist Brigham City |
First Baptist Cedar City |
First Baptist Grantsville |
First Baptist Green River |
First Baptist Nephi |
First Baptist Ogden |
First Baptist Payson |
First Baptist Payson |
First Baptist Pleasant Grove |
First Baptist Price |
First Baptist Provo |
First Baptist Richfield |
First Baptist Roy |
First Baptist SLC |
First Baptist Tooele |
First Baptist Vernal |
First Baptist Wellington |
First Baptist West Jordan |
First Baptist WVC |
First Baptist Community Torrey |
Grace Baptist Bountiful |
Grace Baptist Fillmore |
Grace Baptist Logan |
Grace Baptist Price |
Grace Baptist Randolph |
Grace Baptist Vernal |
Grace Baptist Washington |
Harvest Valley Baptist Riverton |
Heber Valley Baptist Church Heber |
Heritage Baptist Church Midvale |
Hope Baptist Payson |
Iglesia Bautista El Sembrador Baptist Kearns |
Intermountain Baptist Taylorsville |
Jordan Valley Baptist West Jordan |
Landmark Baptist Church Vernal |
Liberty Baptist South SLC |
Lighthouse Baptist Ogden |
Living Word Baptist Church Lehi |
Mill Creek Baptist East Millcreek |
Mountainside Baptist Sandy |
Mountain View Baptist Huntington |
Mountain View Baptist Layton |
Murray Baptist Murray |
New Beginnings Baptist Church Panguitch |
New Hope Fellowship Clearfield |
CrossPoint Church Provo |
CrossPoint Church Taylorsville |
New Pilgram Baptist SLC |
Ogden Valley Community Church Huntsville |
Salt Valley Missionary Baptist Clearfield |
Santaquin Baptist Church Santaquin |
South Davis Baptist Bountiful |
Southeast Baptist Church Midvale |
Southwest Community Baptist West Jordan |
Springville Baptist Church Springville |
Stansbury Park Baptist Church Stansbury Park |
Timpanogos Lehi |
Trinity Baptist Riverton |
Trinity Baptist West Jordan |
True Vine Baptist Kaysville |
Unity Baptist SLC |
Valley Baptist Tooele |
Valley Free Will Baptist WVC |
Victory Baptist Orem |
Victory Baptist West Jordan |
Washington Heights Church Ogden |
Zion Baptist Cedar City |
Baptist (Independent) |
Anchor Baptist Church SLC |
Antioch Baptist Brigham City |
Baptist Community Bible Church Kamas |
Berean Baptist Ogden |
Berean Baptist Sandy |
Calvary Baptist Coalville |
Calvary Baptist Ogden |
Calvary Baptist SLC |
Calvary Baptist Church Tremonton |
Castle Dale Independent Baptist Castle Dale |
Chinese Christian Holaday |
Cornerstone Baptist Tooele |
Desert Spring Church St. George |
Fellowship Baptist Church Brigham City |
Fellowship Baptist Church Washington |
First Baptist Cedar City |
First Baptist Ferron |
First Baptist Ogden |
First Baptist Rose Park |
Grace Baptist Delta |
Grace Baptist WVC |
Grace Baptist Vernal |
Heritage Baptist Church SLC |
Iglesia Biblica Bautista Ogden |
Iglesia Biblica Bautista Provo |
Independent Bapt. Church Heber |
Jordan Valley West Jordan |
Liberty Baptist SLC |
Lighthouse Bapist Eagle Mountain |
Marysvale Baptist Church Marysvale |
Moab Baptist Church Moab |
Mountain View Baptist Cedar City |
Mountain View Baptist Grantsville |
New Zion Baptist Ogden |
Ogden Bible Baptist Church Ogen |
Oquirrh Shadows Baptist Church Kearns |
Park City Baptist Church Park City |
Provo Baptist Church Provo |
Second Baptist Ogden |
Sonrise Baptist WVC |
Summit Chapel Free Will Ogden |
Valley Free Will West Jordan |
Valley View Baptist |
Wasatch Baptist Layton |
Westside Baptist Church St. George |
Baptist (Southern) |
Alta Canyon Baptist Sandy |
Church of the Southern Baptist Huntington |
Community Bapt. Church St. George |
Cross Point Christian Santa Clara |
Crossing Baptist Spanish Fork |
Crossroads Fellowship Park City |
Discovery Church Farr West |
First Baptist Blanding |
First Baptist Bountiful |
First Baptist Kearns |
First Baptist Moab |
First Baptist Monticello |
First Baptist Richfield |
First Baptist SLC |
First Baptist St. George |
First Baptist West Jordan |
First Baptist WVC |
Heber Valley Baptist Church Heber |
Holladay Baptist Holaday |
New Pilgrim Baptist Kearns |
Red Hills Southern Baptist Cedar City |
South Point Sandy |
Southern Baptist Convention Draper |
South Valley Baptist Riverton |
Bible |
Alpine Bible Church Lehi |
Bible Baptist St. George |
Bible Baptist Taylorsville |
Bible Baptist Tooele |
Brigham City Bible Church Brigham City |
Cache Valley Bible Church Logan |
Fellowship Bible Church Eden |
Fellowship Bible Church Lindon |
Grace Bible Church Morgan |
Grace Bible Church Springville |
Grace Bible Church Tremonton |
Grace Community Bible Church Sandy |
Green River Bible Church Green River |
Hurricane Valley Bible Church |
Iglesia Bíblica Bautista Tooele |
Kaysville Bible Church Kaysville |
Midvale Bible Church Midvale |
Mountain View Bible Church LaVerkin |
Nephi Bible Church Nephi |
New Hope Bible Kanab |
North Valley Bible Church Ogden |
Payson Bible Church Payson |
Provo Bible Church Provo |
Richfield Bible Church Richfield |
Roy Bible Church Roy |
Southland Bible Church Washington |
Sovereign Grace Bible Church Layton |
Taylorsville Bible Taylorsville |
Valley Bible Cedar City |
Buddhist |
Buddhist Church of Ogden Ogden |
Buddhist Temple SLC |
Calvary Chapel |
Ashley Valley Calvary Chapel Vernal |
Calvary Chapel Cedar City |
Calvary Chapel Park City |
Calvary Chapel Provo/Orem |
Calvary Chapel SLC |
Calvary Chapel St. George |
Calvary Chapel Wasatch Front Clearfield |
Calvary Chapel Refuge Church Riverdale |
Calvary Fellowship American Fork |
Calvary Logan Church Logan |
Calvary Mountain View American Fork |
Lighthouse Community Tooele |
Reliance Church Woods Cross |
Catholic (Old) |
Saint Basil's Mission SLC |
Saint Francis of Assisi Orem |
Saint Stephen's Mission SLC |
Catholic (Roman) |
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Mission Ft. Duchesne |
Blessed Sacrament Parish Sandy |
Cathedral of the Madeleine SLC |
Catholic Diosese SLC |
Centro Cristiano De Victoria St. George |
Christ The King Parish Cedar City |
Duck Creek Station Duck Creek |
Good Shepherd Parish East Carbon |
Holy Family Mission Fillmore |
Holy Family Parish Ogden< |
Holy Spririt Mission Roosevelt |
Holy Trinity Abbey Huntsville |
Immaculate Conception Copperton |
Newman Center Ogden |
Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish Price |
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish SLC |
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Magna |
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish SLC |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Kearns |
Our Lady Of Victory Nephi |
Sacret Heart Parish SLC |
San Felipe Parish Wendover |
San Isidro Mission Elberta |
San Juan Diego Mission Gunnison |
San Pablo Mission Beryl Junction |
San Rafael Mission Huntington |
Santa Ana Mission Tremonton |
Sisters of St. Benedict Ogden |
St. Ambrose Parish SLC |
St. Andres Parish Payson |
St. Ann Parish SLC |
St. Anthony of Padua Parish Helper |
St. Anthony of the Desert Mission Torrey |
St. Briget Parish Milford |
St. Catherine of Siena Parish SLC |
St. Christopher Parish Kanab |
St. Dominic Bryce Canyon |
St. Elizabeth Parish Central |
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church Monroe |
St. Florence Mission Huntsville |
St. Francis Provo |
St. Francis Of Assisi Orem |
St. Francis Xavier Parish Kearns |
St. George Parish St. George |
St. Gertrude Mission Panguitch |
St. Helen Parish Roosevelt |
St. Henry Parish Brigham City |
St. James Parish Ogden |
St. James Parish Vernal |
St. John Bosco Delta |
St. John The Baptist Draper |
St. Joseph Parish Monticello |
St. Joseph the Worker West Jordan |
St. Jude Maronite Parish Murray< |
St. Jude Mission Ephraim |
St. Lawrence Mission Heber |
St. Lawrence Park City |
St. Luke's Park City |
St. Marguerite Parish Tooele |
St. Martin de Porres Parish Taylorsville |
St. Mary of the Assumption Park City |
St. Mary Parish Ogden |
St. Michael Mission Green River |
St. Olaf Parish Bountiful |
St. Patrick Parish Eureka |
St. Patrick Parish Fillmore |
St. Peter and Paul Parish WVC |
St. Peter Parish American Fork |
St. Pius X Parish Moab |
St. Rose Of Lima Layton |
St. Sylvester Escalante |
St. Therese Of The Child Jesus Parish Midvale |
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Hyde Park |
St. Thomas More Parish Sandy |
St. Vincent de Paul SLC |
Christian Science |
First Church Ogden |
First Church of Christ, Scientist Park City |
Society St. George |
Second Church SLC |
Third Church SLC |
Church of Christ |
Cedar City |
Great Basin church of Christ Delta |
Holladay United Church Of Christ Holladay |
Iglesia de Cristo Murray |
Kaysville |
Layton |
Logan |
Midvalley Sandy |
Moab |
Monticello Church of Christ Monticello |
Murray Park Murray |
Orem Community United Orem |
Price |
Roy |
Salt Lake City |
Southside Church Of Christ West Jordan |
St. George |
Tooele |
United Church Of Christ Elberta |
Utah Valley Orem |
Church of God in Christ |
Emmanuel Ogden |
Deliverance Temple South SLC |
Ebenezer SLC |
Family Worship Center Layton |
Finley Temple Ogden |
Griffin Memorial Ogden |
Church of Jesus Christ |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints SLC |
Community of Christ (RLDS) SLC |
The True & Living Church Manti |
Congregational |
Community Congregational Provo |
First Congreational SLC |
United Church of Christ Ogden |
Episcopal |
All Saints SLC |
Ascension St. Matthew's Price |
Diocese SLC |
Grace St. George |
Good Shepherd Ogden |
Holy Spirit Randlett |
Church of the Resrurection Centerville |
Spirit of the Desert Ivins |
St. Barnabas Tooele |
St. Elizabeth's Whiterocks |
St. Francis Moab |
St. James Midvale |
St. John's Logan |
St. Jude's Cedar City |
St. Luke's Park City |
St. Mark's SLC |
St. Mary's Provo |
St. Matthew's Price |
St. Michael's Brigham City |
St. Paul's SLC |
St. Paul's Vernal |
St. Peter's Clearfield |
St. Stephen's |
Unity Spritual Center Park City |
Evangelical |
Ararat Sandy |
Center Point Church Orem |
Christ Community Church West Point |
Cornerstone Midvale |
Free Church SLC |
Iglesia Cristiana Emanuel Sion Roy |
Lifeline West Jordan |
Mountain Life Park City |
South Valley Evangelical Free Sandy |
South Valley South Jordan |
Wasatch Roy |
Greek Orthodox |
Assumption Church Price |
Holy Trinity Cathedral SLC |
Prophet Elias Church Holladay |
Transfiguration Church Ogden |
St. George Church West Jordan |
Islam |
Alrasool Islamic Center Taylorsville |
Utah Islamic Center Sandy< |
Jehovah's Witnesses |
Bountiful Bountiful |
Brigham City Brigham City |
Cedar City Cedar City |
Cedar City Cedar City |
City Creek |
Holladay Holladay |
Hurricane Congregation Hurricane |
Kanab Kanab |
Kingdom Hall Delta |
Kingdom Hall Kearns |
Kingdom Hall American Fork |
Kindom Hall Monticello |
Kindom Hall Price |
Kindom Hall Provo |
Kingdom Hall Roosevelt |
Kingdom Hall Roy |
Kingdom Hall WVC |
Kingdom Hall Layton |
Logan Logan |
Magna Magna |
Millcreek East Millcreek |
Moab Moab |
Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant |
Ogden Ogden |
Price Price |
Richfield Richfield |
Roosevelt Roosevelt |
Roy Roy |
Sandy Sandy |
Spanish Fork Spanish Fork |
Testigos de Jehova Heber |
Tooele Tooele |
Venice Venice |
Vernal Vernal |
Judaism |
Congregation Brith Sholem Ogden |
Conservative Judaism, Kol Ami SLC |
The Jewish Community Center SLC |
The Jewish Community St. George |
Lutheran |
Ascension Lutheran Ogden |
Christ Lutheran Murray |
Cross of Christ Bountiful |
Elim Lutheran Ogden |
First Lutheran Tooele |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Delta |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Richfield |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Sandy |
Grace Lutheran Bountiful |
Grace Lutheran Centerville |
Grace Lutheran Kaysville |
Grace Lutheran Moab |
Grace Lutheran Sandy |
Holy Cross Lutheran Brigham City |
Holy Trinity Logan |
Hope Lutheran Church West Jordan |
Light of the Valley Layton |
Mountain of Faith Stansbury Park |
Mount Tabor Lutheran SLC |
Mount Zion Kanab |
New Promise Lutheran St. George |
Our Savior's Evangelical Bloomington |
Our Savior's Lutheran Holladay |
Our Savior's Lutheran Roy |
Our Saviour's Lutheran SLC |
Prince of Peace Logan |
Prince of Peace Taylorsville |
Redeemer Lutheran East Mill Creek |
Shepherd of the Mountains Park City |
St. Marks Lutheran Provo |
St. Paul Lutheran Ogden |
Tree of Life Lutheran Orem |
Trinity Cedar City |
Trinity Layton |
Trinity St. George |
Zion Evangelical Lutheran SLC |
Methodist |
Aldersgate United Brigham City |
Centenary United SLC |
Christ United SLC |
Community United Cedar City |
Community United Ogden |
Community United Price |
Community United Eureka |
Community United Park City |
Community United Washington Terrace |
Embry Chapel Church Ogden |
First United Ogden |
First United SLC |
Hilltop United Sandy |
Living Waters La Verkin |
Monroe Methodist Monroe |
Mountain Vista United Methodist West Jordan |
Parowan Methodist Church Parowan |
Shepherd of the Hills St. George |
St. Paul United Methodist Church Copperton |
TO-AE-OFA United Methodist Church Kearns |
Tooele United Tooele |
Trinity United Methodist Church KearnsProvo |
United Methodist Provo |
Pentecostal |
Christian Assembly Ogden |
Hope Resurrected Ogden |
Iglesia de Dios Provo |
Lighthouse, The St. George |
New Destiny Ogden |
United Midvale |
United Midway |
United Ogden |
United Provo |
Presbyterian |
Berean Presbyterian Church Ogden |
Christ Prebyterian Magna |
Christian Community Murray |
Community of Grace Sandy |
Community Presbyterian American Fork |
Community Presbyterian Brigham City |
Community Presbyterian Cedar City |
Community Presbyterian Springville |
Cottonwood Presbyterian Murray |
Crosspoint Presbyterian Park City |
Ferron Presbyterian Ferron |
First Presbyterian Logan |
First Presbyterian Ogden |
First Presbyterian SLC |
Good Shephert Presbyterian St. George |
Grace Church Layton |
Hidden Valley Presbyterian Draper |
Japanese Christian Ogden |
Jordan Presbyterian West Jordan |
Monroe Presbyterian Monroe |
Mount Olympus Presbyterian Holladay |
New Song SLC |
Trinity Prespyterian Ogden |
Wasatch Presbyterian SL |
Westminster Fruit Heights |
Seventh-Day Adventists |
Castle Valley Church Castle Valley |
Cedar City Church Cedar City |
Central Church SLC |
La Verkin Church Laverkin |
Logan Church Logan |
Moab Church Moab |
Monument Valley Church Monument Valley |
Ogden Church Ogden |
Ogden Hispanic Church Ogden |
Ogden Hispanic Church Ogden |
Price Church Price |
Provo Church Provo |
Red Cliffs Church St. George |
Utah Samoan West Jordan |
Vernal Church Vernal |
Wasatch Hills Church SLC |
Wellington Church Wellington |
Wellsville |
Wellsville |
West Jordan Church West Jordan |
Unitarian |
First Unitarian SLC |
Unitarian Universalists Logan |
Unitarian Universalists Ogden |
Unitarian Universalist Soc SLC |
Unitarian Universalists Springville |
Other |
Adventure Foursquare Draper |
Adventure Foursquare American Fork |
All Saints Baptist Fellowship West Jordan |
Alpine Community Layton |
Alpine Community Logan |
Alpine Community Riverdale |
Altrua American Fork |
Anchor Holds Ministries Midvale |
Angel Rock Fellowship Moab |
Bountiful Community Church Bountiful |
Bridge Community, The Centerville |
Cache Valley Bahá'í Logan |
Cache Valley Christian Center Logan |
Cache Valley Unitarian Universalists Logan |
Cambodian Christian Reformed SLC |
Capital Church SLC |
Central Christian SLC |
Centro Cristiano Logan |
Christian Center Park City |
Christian Church Disciples of Christ |
Christian Fellowship Uintah |
Christian Fellowship South Jordan |
Christian Reformed Church SLC |
Church on the Nazarene Layton |
Church on the Terrace Ogden |
City Church Sandy |
Community Church Moab |
Community of Christ Orem |
Community United Church Provo |
Crossings Church Genola |
Crossroads Christian Fellowship Ogden |
Desert Christian Fellowship Moab |
Desert Edge Christian Church Huntington |
Desert Edge Christian Church Price |
Doors of Mercy Cedar City |
Draper Friends Draper |
Ebenezer Church of God Ogden |
Elevation Church Kaysville |
Ephraim Church of the Bible Ephraim |
Faith and Fellowship Center Logan |
Faith Christian Fellowship Nephi |
Faith Community Eagle Mountain |
Family Word Church Price |
Family in Christ Ogden |
First Apostolic SLC |
First Christian Kaysville |
First Christian Ogden |
First Christian Reformed SLC |
First Church of the Nazarene SLC |
Freedom Christian Fellowship Price |
Freedom Worship Center Riverton |
Full Gospel Zion Layton |
Full Gospel Fellowship Logan |
Full Gospel Zion Layton |
Gateway Community Draper |
Ginganogos Christian Fellowship West Jordan |
Glory to God Community Church Ogden |
God's Place Ogden |
Good News Church Price |
Grace Christian Church Parowan |
Grace Community Church Huntsville |
Great Harvest Family Church Draper |
Griffin Memorial Church of God in Christ Ogden |
Harvest Christian Assembly Washington |
Holy Deist BBountiful |
Iglesia Cristiana Manantial Layton |
Iglesia de Cristo Ministerios Ebenezer Logan |
Iglesia Hispana Adventista West Jordan |
Integrity Christian Fellowship Layton |
Inter-Faith Christian Center Farmington |
Intermountain Christian Ministries Sandy |
Jesus' People Ministries Layton |
Jordan Valley Worship Center Riverton |
Joshua Ministries Ogden |
K2 the Church SLC |
Liberty Christian Church Clearfield< |
Liberty Faith Fellowship Price |
Lifeline Community West Jordan |
Living Faith Community St. George |
Lords Church Morgan |
Main Street Church Brigham City |
Metropolitan Community Church Ogden |
Morgan Valley Christian Morgan |
Mountain Life Park City |
Mountain View Christian Assembly Sandy |
Mountain View Fellowship Heber |
Mountain Vineyard Park City |
New Covenant Christian Center St. George |
New Harvest Commuity Clearfield |
New Hope Ministries American Fork |
New Life Christian Center St. George |
New Life Christian Fellowship Tooele |
New Life ministries Helper |
North Gate Vineyard Layton |
North Park Foursquare Church Roy |
Oasis Community Church St. George |
Oasis Vineyard SLC |
Ogden Christian Fellowship Ogden |
Ogden Japanese Christian Ogden |
Oneness Centere for Spiritual Living Draper |
Oriental Mission Church Logan |
Potter's House Christian Center Ogden |
Price Chapel-Christian Price |
Promise Christian Assembly Kaysville |
Provo City Church Orem |
Resurrection Ministries Roy |
River of Life Christian Fellowship Moab |
Rivers of Life Kanab |
Rock Canyon Church Provo |
Roy Christian Roy |
Salt Lake Christian Church SLC |
Salt Lake Chinese Christian Church SLC |
Sandy Ridge Sandy |
San Juan Community Church Monticello |
Scientology SLC |
Shadow Mountain Church West Jordan |
Sonrise Christian Fellowship Cedar City |
Southeast Christian Murray |
South Jordan Comunity South Jordan |
South Jordan Comunity Daybreak |
South Mountain Community Draper |
South Valley Community Sandy |
Summit Adventure Church Riverton |
The Bridge Daybreak |
The Bridge South Jordan |
The Rock SLC |
Tooele Christian Faith Tooele |
Trinity Christian Center Price |
Trinity Life Christian Church Ogden |
True Life Christian Center Cedar City |
United Church of Christ Ogden |
United Church of Kanab Kanab |
Unity Church St. George |
Unity Fellowship Park City |
Unity of Salt Lake Murray |
Utah Valley Church Spanish Fork |
Veterans For Christ Kaysville |
Victory Christian Center Park City |
Wasatch Christian Bountiful |
Washington Heights Church Ogden |
Waters Edge Stansbury Park |
Whole Life Ministries American Fork |
See all Utah Churches |