skull on display
at USU Merrill
Library, Special
Collections, Reading Room.
A few months after the kill, Logan scoutmaster George R. Hill Jr.,
took his Boy Scout Troop into the canyon to dig up the skull of the
bear. Hill wanted to submit it to the Smithsonian to document the bear
was indeed a grizzly, says his son George R. Hill III of Salt Lake City.
The boys found the grave -- following directions provided by Clark -- and unearthed the skull,
carrying it out on the end of a long pole because "it stunk like
mad," Hill says.
The Smithsonian confirmed the skull was that of a
grizzly, and Hill says his father's troop received $25 for its efforts.
The skull remained in Washington, D.C. until 1978, when it came back
to Utah for display at Utah State University Merrill Library's Special
Collections. The skull is on loan from the Smithsonian Institution.
To Old Ephraim by Nephi Bott
"Old Ephraim, Old Ephraim
Your deeds were so wrong
Yet we built you this marker
And sing you this song.
To the King of the forest
So mighty and tall
We salute you Old Ephraim
The King of them all."
Cache Valley Tourist Council
160 North Main Logan, UT 84 3 21
(435) 752-2161 or (800) 882-4433