History of Salem, Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia (Links Added)

The "Dream Mine" of John Hyrum Koyle, as well as the pond, became synonymous with Salem. Koyle dreamed of a rich ore mine on the hillside and set out to bring his dream to fruition. Selling shares in the venture, Koyle was able to have a deep shaft dug, but ore was never found.

Salem was incorporated as a town in 1886, and fourteen presidents and boards of trustees served until 1920, at which time the first mayor began his term in office.

Throughout its history, the citizens of Salem have been hardworking, neighborly, and flexible, adapting to the changes time has required of them.

See: Ted L. Hanks, Summer Spring: An Historical Perspective of Salem, Utah (1990); Emma N. Huff, Memories That Live (1947).

Arlene Despain Wilson

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