History of Ephraim, Utah
Taken from the Utah History Encyclopedia (Links Added)

To revive the town's Nordic heritage, a few Ephraimites started a Scandinavian Festival in 1976. Held on the weekend before Memorial Day, the festival now features numerous events centered on Ephraim Square. Ephraim almost razed its empty Co-op after tearing down the old rock tabernacle, but it recently decided to restore its finest building and make it once again a central focus of Main Street and the entire town.

Lowell C. Bennion

See: Albert Antrei and Ruth Scow (eds.), The Other Forty-niners (1982); Centennial Book Committee, Our Yesterdays (1981); Gary B. Peterson and Lowell C. Bennion, Sanpete Scenes: A guide to Utah's Heart (1897).

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